
This article belongs to a series detailing the steps to set up a development environment for a stock exchange system using ASP.NET Core 6 and Vue.js. This one discusses the integration of real-time stock data into an application using IHttpClientFactory, a tool that manages HttpClient instances. The process involves registering IHttpClientFactory, initializing an HttpClient private property, and adding API keys to the default headers. A GetStockPriceAsync function is created to fetch real-time stock prices from a third-party API. The function sends a GET request using a stock symbol and returns the current price of the stock. The document also outlines the creation of a class structure to represent the JSON response data, enhancing the efficiency of the application.


In the previous article of this series, we began the exciting journey of building a stock exchange system using ASP.NET Core 6 and Vue.js. We successfully implemented the foundational aspects of our application, using predefined dummy data to populate and manipulate our stocks, testing the functionality of our API, and verifying the interaction with the 'Stock' model. While this approach was effective for initial testing and ensuring the correct functioning of our core components, it limited our system to static data, which is not an accurate representation of the highly dynamic nature of the stock market.

In this second part of the series, we're going to elevate our application from a static testing environment to a dynamic one, mirroring the real-world changes in the stock market. We will integrate our system with a third-party data provider, enabling us to fetch real-time and updated quotes for the selected stocks. This means that our application will be able to display the most current and accurate data to our users.

With the integration of real-time data, our application will not only provide a more accurate representation of the stock market, but also offer users the most up-to-date information, a key requirement for making informed investment decisions. Let's delve into the process of integrating this third-party data provider and elevating our application to new levels.

The integration process might initially seem daunting due to the technical complexities associated with it. However, with a comprehensive guide, it becomes manageable. This document serves as a step-by-step guide on how to integrate real-time stock data into an application using a third-party API and IHttpClientFactory, an effective tool that simplifies the management of HttpClient instances.

This guide will cover the registration and usage of IHttpClientFactory, the initialization of an HttpClient property for API communication, and the creation of a custom function to fetch real-time stock prices. Furthermore, it will guide on how to create a class structure that represents the API response data, enhancing the overall efficiency of the application.


Integrating Real-time Stock Data

IHttpClientFactory is a useful tool that can be registered and utilized to configure and generate HttpClient instances within an application. The key benefits include: