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The article provides a guide on using Amazon Transcribe to transcribe an audio conversation and then summarize it using Amazon Bedrock. The process involves setting up an AWS environment, uploading an audio file to Amazon S3, transcribing the audio to text using Amazon Transcribe, and summarizing the transcript using a Large Language Model provided by Amazon Bedrock. The article highlights the potential of Amazon Bedrock in transforming lengthy interactions into concise, actionable information, demonstrating its significant impact in the field of Large Language Models.


  1. Introduction
  2. Continuing our journey with Amazon Bedrock: Analyzing medical interactions
  3. Setup
  4. Upload audio file to an Amazon S3 bucket
  5. Transcribe audio to text
  6. Use Amazon Bedrock to summarize transcript


In the previous installment of our series, we introduced Amazon Bedrock as a pivotal instrument in the realm of generative AI applications. As a fully managed service, Amazon Bedrock grants developers access to high-performing foundation models from leading AI companies. With its emphasis on security, privacy, and responsible AI, Amazon Bedrock provides a broad set of capabilities and a single API for building generative AI applications. This serverless service allows developers to experiment with, evaluate, and privately customize top foundation models to their use cases, thus enabling the creation of agents that execute tasks using enterprise systems and data sources.

In this article, we'll delve deeper into the practical application of Amazon Bedrock. We'll guide you through the process of using this service to transcribe and summarize an audio conversation, demonstrating its potential to transform lengthy interactions into concise, actionable information. We will cover the steps of setting up an AWS environment, uploading an audio file to Amazon S3, transcribing the audio to text using Amazon Transcribe, and summarizing the transcript using Amazon Bedrock's Large Language Model. Let's dive in!

Continuing our journey with Amazon Bedrock: Analyzing medical interactions

Building upon our previous exploration of Amazon Bedrock, a powerful service by AWS for generative AI applications, we're now entering a new, practical application of this technology. The previous guide offered a comprehensive look into the setup of an AWS environment, the installation of necessary tools, and the generation of responses from a model, providing valuable insights into potential errors and their solutions.

This guide, inspired by the "LangChain for LLM Application Development" course from deeplearning.ai, will give you with the knowledge to leverage Amazon's Large Language Models effectively for your projects. Moving forward, we will explore the practical application of these models, particularly in a scenario where a patient interacts with a medical assistant at a doctor's office. The patient places a phone call to the office, a conversation filled with important information. To efficiently utilize this information, the call must be transcribed and summarized. This is where our exploration of Amazon Bedrock becomes relevant. Firstly, you will upload a fragment of that call to Amazon S3, AWS's scalable storage service. This fragment will then be sent to Amazon Transcribe, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that converts speech to text, resulting in a readily available textual representation of the conversation. This is where the Large Language Model from Amazon Bedrock, specifically the Titan model that we familiarized ourselves with in the previous guide, comes into the picture. The Titan model will be tasked with summarizing the conversation, transforming it into a concise, easy-to-read summary.

The potential impact of this application in the field of Large Language Models is significant. It demonstrates how these models can be used to transform lengthy, time-consuming interactions into concise, actionable information. This not only saves time but also reduces the margin for error that comes with manual transcription and summarization. Moreover, the implications of this technology extend far beyond the medical field. It can be applied to any industry that relies on communication and information exchange, revolutionizing the way we handle and process information.


Firstly, you need to import all the necessary packages for this project.