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The post provides a guide on using Amazon Bedrock and Amazon CloudWatch for logging AI model results. It emphasizes the importance of logging for maintaining security compliances, identifying potential biases, and improving model performance. The guide explains how to set up a Bedrock runtime client, create a CloudWatch helper class, and configure logging for Amazon Bedrock. It also provides a step-by-step process to test the logging setup by interacting with a Bedrock model and viewing the logged data.


  1. Introduction
  2. CloudWatch
  3. Setup
  4. Bedrock Runtime Client Setup
  5. Create a CloudWatch Helper
  6. Create a Log Group
  7. Configure Logging for Amazon Bedrock
  8. Test Logging


In the previous installment of our series, we introduced Amazon Bedrock as a pivotal instrument in the realm of generative AI applications. As a fully managed service, Amazon Bedrock grants developers access to high-performing foundation models from leading AI companies. With its emphasis on security, privacy, and responsible AI, Amazon Bedrock provides a broad set of capabilities and a single API for building generative AI applications. This serverless service allows developers to experiment with, evaluate, and privately customize top foundation models to their use cases, thus enabling the creation of agents that execute tasks using enterprise systems and data sources.

Logging AI model results is crucial for maintaining security compliances in an ML application. This process helps keep track of predictions and decisions made by the model, which is essential in sectors where audit trails are required. Furthermore, logging can help identify potential biases in model predictions, which is vital for maintaining fairness and avoiding discriminatory practices. Additionally, logging can provide valuable insights for debugging and improving model performance.

Other concerns in an ML application include data privacy, where sensitive information used in training models must be adequately protected. Additionally, model robustness and reliability are critical, as models that perform inconsistently or fail can have significant consequences, especially in high-stakes applications. Lastly, transparency and interpretability are growing concerns, as understanding how a model makes its predictions can be crucial for trust and accountability.

Logging is crucial when working with these models for debugging purposes. It allows you to track the execution of your code and monitor the state of the system. Logging provides visibility into the system and aids in identifying and resolving issues quickly. It's especially useful in a serverless environment, where troubleshooting can be more challenging due to the ephemeral nature of functions. Let's dive in!


Amazon CloudWatch is a crucial tool in this guide as it collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events, offering an invaluable perspective on the health and behavior of your AWS resources, applications, and services. It enables you to view this data using automated dashboards, thereby providing a unified view of your resources, whether they run on AWS or on-premises.

CloudWatch allows you to correlate your metrics and logs, which aids in understanding the health and performance of your resources. This correlation can reveal underlying trends or point to potential issues that may arise, thereby allowing you to take preventative measures.